Wednesday 7 March 2012

Got Patience..??

Today's world is full of people who want to become successful overnight, want to become rich in the shortest amount of time, want fame quickly. May people possess that special talent, that passion to achieve what they desire but quite often they don't have the patience to wait for the right opportunity to strike.  Nowadays people want everything, in that desire they try to force things to go their way or try so unbearably hard which ultimately only leads to frustrations and undesirable results and I have no shame to accept that in a way, I was one of victim of it too for sometimes.
Sometimes the words we use confuse and mislead us. For example, I have often heard my friends saying that he/she  is 'LOSING patience' or not being able to 'FIND the patience' to deal with a situation and I would like to suggest them please Don't get deceived into believing that patience can be lost or found. It is not a commodity. It is a ‘DECISION’. It is a decision to wait. It is a decision to hold on to your dream despite any delays you may have to put up with. Though, I also believe this decision taking capability obviously get built up from Strong Self Belief of your capability and discipline.
Here is one short story which I was been told when I was going through one of such emotions..some of you might have heard this before:
A boy who for years had been told by everyone that he had very little patience was one day found to be praying. 
"O Lord, give me the amount of patience I need; and please better do hurry up about it."
Since then, Every now and then when I found myself getting impatient; I picture myself being that boy and laugh out loud. 

This is yet another example of how to control our so-called "uncontrollable" emotions. By associating a funny story with an undesirable emotion, I give myself an opening - a chance to stop for a moment and look at what I'm doing. And most of the time, I realize that what's getting me all tangled is so insignificant!

I know by now, while reading through this line you must be definitely thinking ‘me being silly about it’!  So be it…but please read on..…because what I realized there is “Understandably, given that strange situation to anyone dealing with me at that point would give me that reaction”. One minute we could be arguing, and about to tear each other apart, and the next I'm laughing. I suppose I would wonder about such a person's state of mental sanity too. But think about it - what better way to break the tension?

How many people get into arguments that literally break up relationships -  over petty stuff! One word leads to another and before they know it, it's ten years later and they have no idea of why they lost touch. If they backtrack, they realize that it all started over something so insignificant that they're too embarrassed to admit or disclose it. 

So, even at the risk of looking ridiculous, the next time that you are about to lose your sovereignty over your mind and your body, remember the boy! And While you're laughing, explain why. The next thing you know, you'll both be laughing, and then -  you'll both be able to really talk and listen.

With patience you can bear up under any adversity and survive any defeat. With patience you can control your destiny and have what you will. Patience is the key to contentment, for you and for those who must live with you. To be brave without patience can kill you. To be ambitious without patience can destroy the most promising of careers. Patience is power. Employ it to stiffen your spirit, sweeten your temper, stifle your anger, bury your envy, subdue your pride, bridle your tongue, restrain your hands, and deliver you whole, in due time, to the life you deserve."   :)


  1. Any specific motivation behind writing this ?

  2. ur depth of patience is the depth of hope u have ...........

  3. Yes, there is always a cause for every consequence followed..and well said..! I agree with you in all means but not to mention that alone having hope does not help..! Rest you know very well..what I mean here..!
