Saturday 18 December 2010

WiTricity: one more step of innovation in science..!

Today, the world is full of tech savvy people; every device is getting smaller and portable. Everyone from a kid to an elderly person, uses cell phones, music players etc, and all they want is just these gadgets to be constantly powered up.  So, power has become the utmost basic need of everybody like food & shelter. Miserable but in my research I found few horrifying statistics about the use of batteries. 

Marin Soljacic & his MIT team
In year 2000, the estimated battery waste was almost 19,000 tonnes for general purpose batteries and 113,000 tonnes for automotive batteries only for UK. (out of which only 2% are recycled to use again). The average household uses of batteries itself is 21 per year per house, so one can easily understand how important the power sources are getting every single day. Top of it, the irksome issue is these small batteries cannot store power for much longer time considering constraints like size, weight and other physical parameters. So, how long batteries will be the option to be charged up always....??

Nevertheless, Mr. Marin Soljačić, MIT professor have found the promising means of electricity transfer which is known as WITRICITY which will make people to forget batteries, cable wires & electric towers etc. While working with his MIT group, he devised a simple setup that wirelessly powered a 60-watt light bulb within range of 2 meters by using the concept of magnetic resonance.  In fact, this concept is not completely new to world as in year 1915, Nikola Tesla (Serbian Scientist & Noble Prize winner) had tried similar experiment which unfortunately could not be successful at that time.
How does WiTricity Work..??

Nikola Tesla
But, now the transmission of power without wires is not a theory or a mere possibility, it is now a reality. The electrical energy can be economically transmitted without wires to any terrestrial distance. Many researchers have established in numerous observations, experiments and measurements, qualitative and quantitative. Wireless transmission of electricity has tremendous merits like high transmission integrity and Low Loss (80 – 85% efficient in ideal conditions). This system would reduce the cost of electrical energy used by the consumer and get rid of the landscape of wires, cables, and transmission towers. This technology have no hazard to any animal body due to its Resonance coupling concept which is huge plus point to this type of wireless power transmission. 

Another interesting research done earlier in this year (April 2010) by Steven Hackworth was the best way to utilize this technology for maximum benefits of human society. You can see the diagram showed in left as where we can see direct connection with WiTricty Source can do the miracles with absolutely no waste with always maximum utilization energy. This design will be the great way to serve our highly increasing demand of energy. This not only reduces the cost of solar installation significantly but also helps our all the devices charged up always.

It seems that in coming years this invention is going to have tremendous economic impact and growth to human society and many countries will benefit from this service. Monthly electric utility bills from old-fashioned, fossil-fuelled, lossprone electrified wire-grid delivery services will be optional, much like “Cable TV” of today. ;)

(If you want more detailed information of this technology, please visit the below WiTricity Prezi presentation)